In the Studios

Jeana Poindexter - Oxbow Intern for Spring and Fall 2012


Nora & Jeana our current Oxbow Interns

Originally from Pennsylvania, I recently graduated from Columbia University in New York City. As a visual arts major, I worked mainly in printmaking and book arts. In my senior year, I also had the opportunity to teach an introductory art class at a public school in the city. This, along with other tutoring and volunteer positions, helped me to channel my passion for working with youth, to hone my skills and learn a whole host of new ones to help better myself as an educator. After graduation, I moved to Ghana, West Africa as a recipient of a traveling fellowship for young artists. I spent my time researching the rich cultural commerce surrounding their celebratory death rituals and writing about my experiences.

After spending four months in Ghana, moving to Napa was a big transition, to say the least. Upon my arrival at Oxbow, I felt the energy of the school running through me like a current. Just a month into my time here, every day is a new adventure.

A School Like No Other
