Haley English is attending Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon studying Illustration and has been teaching summer art camp for the past three years.
Haley English is attending Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon studying Illustration and has been teaching summer art camp for the past three years.
Oxbow forced me to create, and by creating, I established foundation for my thought.
— Jamie Roux, Spring 2003
Oxbow opened me up to what was out there in the world to go out and grab, and gave me so much that I take with me everywhere I go, with everything I do.
— Nina Palomba, Spring 2008
Oxbow gave Will a voice and a community. Under the nurturing attention of his wonderful teachers, he learned that he had the intellectual capability to express himself and that his unique point of view was, in fact, an asset.
— David Becker, Parent
A School Like No Other