Cate Pasquarelli was accepted to The Cooper Union School of Art on early decision.
Cate Pasquarelli was accepted to The Cooper Union School of Art on early decision.
Oxbow gave Will a voice and a community. Under the nurturing attention of his wonderful teachers, he learned that he had the intellectual capability to express himself and that his unique point of view was, in fact, an asset.
— David Becker, Parent
The Oxbow School has both a local and national reputation for excellence. Oxbow produces great artists. In its studio, these emerging artists have a community of creative peers who respect one another and foster an expectation to produce thoughtful, sophisticated work.
— Paul Coffey, Vice Provost and Dean of Community Engagement, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Advice I would give to future students is to just do it and come to Oxbow and not overthink it because it will most likely (99.9%) be the best decision you have made in your life.
— Malachi Snyder, Spring 2018
A School Like No Other