Daniel Overbey graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a BFA in Product Design. He is the founder of Overboard Cruisers and taught teen skateboard design at the Evanston Art Center. See more of Daniel's design work at DO designs.

Daniel Overbey graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a BFA in Product Design. He is the founder of Overboard Cruisers and taught teen skateboard design at the Evanston Art Center. See more of Daniel's design work at DO designs.
Oxbow forced me to create, and by creating, I established foundation for my thought.
— Jamie Roux, Spring 2003
Advice I would give to future students is to just do it and come to Oxbow and not overthink it because it will most likely (99.9%) be the best decision you have made in your life.
— Malachi Snyder, Spring 2018
If at any point Oxbow doubts the good it does, I just want to reassure you all that you’re changing the lives of young artists every semester.
— Colin Davis, Fall 2009
A School Like No Other