
Lucia Ribisi


Adidas: Future Capsule

Lucia Ribisi is in a group show Future Capsule that opened March 8 at the New Museum in New York and moved on to The Seventh Gallery in Los Angeles on March 10 and is on view through March 13.

"Future Capsule features a collection of mixed-media artwork including photography, painting, digital art and soundscapes as well as an immersive video experience in which visitors are asked to complete the statement, "My Future is ... ." The responses are compiled in video footage Adidas plans to release later this year." - read the full article by Christine Birkner, AdWeek.


Lucia Ribisi


Portrait by Pat Martin

Lucia Ribisi was featured in the Lifestyle section of the German online magazine L'officiel in the article titled Lucia Ribisi on Tour: Episode 1 by Von Julia Fricke. The article includes Lucia's video shot on an iPhone from her travels in Europe. There are two more videos to come!

L'officiel is a French fashion magazine that has been published in Paris since 1921 and many foreign editions are published outside of France.


Will Emanuel


2015 ESA Loft Fellows at the Capitol
Will & Congressman Mike Thompson

Will Emanuel is one of twenty finalists (ages 15-25) across the USA selected for the 2015 Entertainment Software Association (ESA) LOFT Video Game Innovation Fellowship. Will's app Neighborhood Water Watch addresses water supply challenges facing our country and California in particular.

Will traveled to Washington, DC where the 2015 fellows had a briefing at the Capitol Building and a press briefing at the White House. He also met with Mike Thompson, California's 5th district Congressman. Each fellow receives an innovation grant to help further develop his or her game or app.

A School Like No Other
